Clear communication prevents confusion…

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Communication is so important. In life as well as in business. It is vital to make sure that you, the seller, and the buyer, both understand what you are providing, and what the buyer wants. It is not too late to ask for clarification. It is better to be absolutely sure that what you are selling is what your buyer wants, than to end up in a confused situation where the buyer feels that they have been mis-sold something.

Avoid jargon – make sure you have accurately described what you are selling. It is all too easy to get carried away in the actual selling process and promising more than you can deliver. In general, people don’t mind if you, or your product or service can’t do something, as long as they know. What people dislike, and what will cause them to inundate the internet with bad reviews is feeling that they were mis-sold something.

Make sure your buyer understands what they are getting. Often you will have explained your product or service honestly and clearly, but the buyer may have misunderstood, or misinterpreted. It is worth taking a little more time to thoroughly check that the buyer understands rather than face the later backlash if the buyer was confused.

Many arguments or confrontations are simply caused by lack of understanding or lack of clarity. Make sure your communication is clear. Where possible have a phone call or face-to-face meeting and then follow up with an email confirming the points that you have discussed.

If you are struggling with providing your sales teams with good quality leads, why not invest in some first class marketing? Contact Aardvark Marketing Consultants today on 01905 885 285 to review your marketing.

To learn more about successful selling, take a look at the video below.

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